
Divine Rule Maintained: Anthony Burgess, Covenant Theology, and the Place of the Law in Reformed Scholasticism is unavailable, but you can change that!

In Divine Rule Maintained, Stephen J. Casselli provides us with a window into the exegetical and theological underpinnings of the Westminster Confession’s chapter on the law by delivering an in-depth analysis of Anthony Burgess’s Vindiciae Legis. After a brief introduction to Burgess and his historical context, Casselli details the logical course of Burgess’s book considering the law as given to...

Mr Walker: Christ shewes that the law reacheth further than ever the pharisyes expressed.… Christ give [sic] an example of good that seemes to goe beyond what is required in the law, & therefore … Dr Hoyle: Seeing love is the fulfilling of the law.… So begin the records of the Westminster Assembly of Divines. It is notable that the minutes which have been preserved from that remarkable assembly drop us down into the middle of a debate regarding the proper interpretation and
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